
Our core capability is producing scalable sales that deliver multi-year recurring revenue, and proprietary technology that has become a SAAS service for our partners.
What We Do


Only a very small percentage of the millions of books in publication are discoverable. Authors need to connect with readers. Consumers want books they’ll love.


Content discoverability and scales using scalable marketing and proprietary tech tools.



About three-quarters (74%) of Americans have read a book in the past 12 months, a figure that has remained largely unchanged since 2012. (佛跳墙vnP)

$26B US Book Market

In 2017 total book revenue in the US was $26B: $15B were trade sales and $7.6B were purchased through online retail. There are 17M books in the market and it is growing at 1.3M new books per year.




Our partnership with Open Road has dramatically increased the sales of a wide range of our backlist titles. The increased revenue for both Grove and the authors is great—but even more exciting is that this initiative is helping introduce these worthy books to new readers.

Morgan Entrekin

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Open Road’s strong orientation to backlist marketing has provided an enhanced revenue stream for the publishers who have integrated OR/M’s ‘white glove’ service into their overall backlist strategy. The impressive revenue numbers speak for themselves.

David Steinberger
CEO of Arcadia Publishing

We’re delighted with the results. The focus and sophistication Open Road brings to backlist marketing has greatly benefited our eBooks. Working together on this initiative has been a great way to target audiences and increase sales.

Ellen Archer
Houghton Mifflin Harcourt President

We’ve seen tremendous growth for our ebooks in the White Glove program in the few months we’ve been participating. The Open Road team has been incredibly helpful and accommodating every step of the way.

Randall Lotowycz

Director, Online Retail and Digital Sales for Workman Publishing

Partnering with Open Road allows us to extend the audience for selected backlist ebook titles. Their focus on delivering new readers and generating sales has produced satisfying financial results.

Lindy Humphreys

Associate Publisher, Digital, Abrams

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